"There are no mistakes. Only new paths to explore."
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Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing in Jaipur + Pondering What's Next
There are many times on this journey that I find my mind wandering, contemplating what will happen next.
Read MoreDragon Lounge, Lou's masterpiece of a house
Dragon Lounge, life as art in Bali
We left the autumn crisp weather of the north and crossed into tropical heat and humidity south of the hemisphere. If South Korea felt like work, busy and booked daily with lots of sightseeing, places to go and people to meet, Indonesia feels slow and relaxed.
I know it sounds crazy, but this is the first real down time we've had in awhile. Packing up all our belongings, renting the house, and actually planning the logistics of leaving the US for a year were often overwhelming and stressful, not to mention a huge life adjustment. Being on the move vagabond style isn't an easy comfortable vacation. Survival basics in an unknown place become a lot more challenging to figure out. Every day we have to be concerned about where we'll sleep, what we'll eat, and how we'll transport somewhere, all in an unfamiliar culture, location, and language while on a budget. I know this is just the beginning and I'm definitely not complaining, but I'm glad to have some time to slow down and catch up with old friends.
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