It's dark out now, and the narrow, dirty streets of Varanasi are crowded with revelers blaring music so loudly we hear it straight through our barely-there hotel walls.
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The Pink City of Jaipur, India + A Traveler's Privilege
I'll admit it—Jaipur is not one of my most favorite places in India. Two months and 13 Indian cities later, one might say that I have something to compare it to.
Read MoreStreet cow chillaxing in Jodhpur, India.
The Street Cows of Jodhpur, India
There are cows everywhere.
Read MoreFemale construction workers in Jodhpur carry sand in buckets on their head as their children play nearby.
On Flying and Not Dying in India
After traveling several months throughout India, I can't seem to understand how people don't die more often.
Read MoreRed, the color of fire, good fortune, and Communism
Questions about China and other unanswerables + Famous places in Beijing
This is how I entered the People's Republic of China: by foot.
A subway ride from central Hong Kong deposited me at the border just south of Shenzhen. Backpack buckled, I walked through one round of customs before being dumped into a wide corridor flooded with a sea of people, most about a foot or two shorter than me. Together we're headed straight towards a second round of customs, but for now we're hovering in between two entities, Hong Kong and China proper.
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